MyStaff app Giving time back
How a £3.7m saving over 3 years gives time back to help reduce patient waiting lists.
Document creation, management and mobile app.
Face to face interviews with 101 clinical medical staff in Maternity departments across 3 hospitals and 2 community hubs in Mid & South Essex NHS Trust in summer 2022, combined with recent research into frontline staff as well as senior managers of document governance has revealed a real time saving of over 17,000 hours in one NHS Hospital alone.
A real opportunity to 'Give Time Back' to help reduce NHS patient waiting lists.

The testimonials
Our clients have witnessed our approach to solving complex problems with data. See for yourself
"In fact, all junior doctors and consultants would font this useful, its a huge step forward for ease and speed of access"
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Labour Ward Lead
"Its worth having fast access to guidelines as it will save baby's lives"
Phlebotomist - anti-natal clinic
"I'm so excited; I know that's really sad isn't it! It takes me ages to get hold of a policy/document normally".
Student Midwife
"Current way you need to fight everyone for a computer, then login and go through to the hub and then guess the keywords."
Bank Staff Nurse

55,000 hours
Time Savings = Reduced Waiting Lists